This was my first hostile experience, and I couldn't have asked for a better one. The vibrancy and cordiality of the Pacific Tradewinds team is off the roof! I was very lucky to have found this place, especially for New Year's Eve. Of course, everyone partied then, but there was also a good balance of quiet time as well. When I first arrived on the 30th, I had many places in mind to start but wanted to get a personal opinion. Avi and Stefan gave me a map and were even more kind to circle hotspots. Hanna then asked if I wanted a cup of coffee during this time (she definitely made the place feel like home). Kat, the manager, did a great job in keeping the bulletin board up to date with city promotions, as well as keeping the place up to par. I finally met Darren during my last full day in San Francisco while he was installing a new door, changing a light, and doing other maintenance. He was as friendly as he is sharp with over a decade (perhaps two?) of experience keeping this hostile top-notch - he's inventive and has many ideas for the place that I'm sure will make future stays just as good if not better than this one. I hope to return! Thank you!