Special Procedures During COVID-19 Situation

Pacific Tradewinds Hostel is open in a very limited capacity during the COVID-19 crisis to help wayward travelers “Shelter in Place” during this challenging time. However, in order to keep our guests and housemates as safe and healthy as possible, we have modified our services and procedures. Prior to your arrival at the hostel, please carefully read the procedures below to make sure our new policies and limited services will work for you. If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, we will provide a 100% refund on any advance payments made.
- We have radically reduced the number of available beds in our hostel so our guests can maintain social distancing. We ask that all guests maintain at least 6 feet of distance from our housemates and other guests.
- At the moment, our reception is not routinely staffed. As a result, all guests must use the self-check-in function at least 3 hours before your expected arrival time. Your unique link to self-check-in will be provided by email on the morning of your arrival date. Please check your spam folder if you are unable to find this email.
- After self-check-in, you will receive an arrival email with a link to our WhatsApp group. We use WhatsApp to communicate with each other. Please click on this link to join our WhatsApp group and introduce yourself in the group. Tell everyone you have just checked-in. The manager, owner, or a housemate will reach out to you and ask that you privately send a photo of your ID. This email will also contain the phone numbers of the manager and owner that can be used if you don't have WhatsApp.
- Once we have this photo of your ID, we will finalize your check-in and send you a unique link that will enable you to buzz open the security gate and main door of the hostel. This link will work after 3pm on your arrival date until 10:30 on your check-out date. You must leave the hostel before that time or extend your stay by sending a message to the manager, owner, or a housemate.
- We ask that all guests be free of symptoms upon arrival at the hostel. If you develop symptoms, please call us immediately so we can help you find non-hostel accommodation in San Francisco that would be more appropriate for your situation.
- Once we have finalized your check-in, we'll send you a message letting you know the floor and room you will be sleeping in. Please follow these instructions carefully plus any further communication from us so you will know how to find your room.
- Face masks are now required in California. Please let us know if you do not have a face covering.
- Immediately after coming inside the hostel, please close the security gate and door behind you and thoroughly hand sanitize using the dispenser provided.
- When coming up the stairs, if you are able, please avoid using the handrails.
- In your room, you will find only the beds you have reserved are available. Other beds will be covered with plastic. Do not switch beds without approval from the manager or housemate.
- Your bed will be made with clean sheets, blanket and pillow. There will also be your own cleaning towels, alcohol spray and empty trash bag on your bed that should be used at checkout (see below).
- Although we have sanitized your bed before arrival, feel free to sanitize the bed frame again. We ask that you use the alcohol spray on any door knobs and handles you touch in the hostel.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at this time, whenever you come back to the hostel and as often as possible.
- We ask that all guests maintain social distancing of at least from each other and from housemates.
- If you need to touch a door knob, handle or another surface, use your cleaning towels and alcohol spray before and after your touch.
- Only one person is allowed in the kitchen at a time. Please wash your utensils, dishes and use your alcohol spray on all surfaces immediately before and after using the kitchen.
- Most things in San Francisco are closed so you should plan to limit your time outside the hostel.
- Use a face covering when outside the hostel.
- Maintain social distancing from others on the street.
- Follow social distancing instructions and store protocols when shopping for food and other essential items.
If you have any questions please call our reception at 415-433-7970.
Thanks for helping us slow the spread of COVID-19.