Saturday 20 Apr 2019
420 Cannabis Festival in Dolores Park
Saturday 20 Apr 2019
Meeting time:
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Cannabis, marijuana, weed, mary jane, whatever you want to call it, San Franciscans have a long history with it. For many years it was one of those ‘turn a blind eye’ kind of things- totally not legal, and yet it was everywhere with seemingly no issue. From the hippies during the Summer of Love days to modern techies chillin out while they code, it’s long been a part of SF culture. Now with California legalizing cannabis as of Jan. 1st, 2018 we’ve reached new highs (pun totally intended) of celebrating this magical little green plant. The unofficial national holiday for weed has always been April 20th (because in the US we write the date as 4/20), and every year thousands of people flock to SF to partake in festivities. This year a new tradition is starting in Dolores Park- an entire Cannabis Festival. The aim is to have it all participant driven rather than thrown by one company or organization. So whether you want to vend, educate, or just celebrate head to Dolores Park this year for a huge 4/20 celebration. Important note: While Dolores has a long standing history of being lenient with the rules, including alcohol and marijuana, it is technically still illegal to smoke or drink in the park. Be smart, heed all laws, and parktake in anything at your own risk.