Saturday 29 Apr 2017
Nightlife in the Mission: Pub Crawl & Partying
Saturday 29 Apr 2017
Meeting time:
Hosted by:
Courtney Loechl
Meeting Place:
Hostel common room
It’s Saturday night! Even if you’re traveling and Tuesday feels the same as Friday, don’t let that be a reason to not celebrate that the rest of us are ready to break free and party. Besides, what’s a good pub crawl without the boundless energy of backpackers that have no job except to enjoy life?
Mission has some of San Francisco’s BEST nightlife, and we never get tired of checking out new spots along with old favorites. You’ll get to experience some real SF vibe, from the music, the people, and the late night burritios.
Join Charles at the hostel at 8pm to go out as a group. Don’t forget to bring the hostel address with you just in case you have too much fun to remember ;)