Sunday 18 Jun 2017
Summer of Love Tribute to Queers Celebration
Sunday 18 Jun 2017
Meeting time:
Meeting Place:
Hostel common room
You may have heard of the Summer of Love, the infamous summer of the hippie revolution in San Francisco in 1967. But if you aren’t so great at math, you may not realize that this year is the 50th anniversary! There are lots of celebrations happening this year, but one unique one will be this Sunday, June 18th called Summer of Love in the Grove. It’s a day of love and laughter to pay tribute to the dynamic queer hippies who helped shape the original movement of love and expression. There will be several DJs to help get the vibe going, and participants are encouraged to bring food and drink to share. It will take place in the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park, and is a free event. In lieu of an admission, they will instead be collecting donations to benefit both The GLBT Historical Society and the National AIDS Memorial Grove. They also encourage everyone to go see the movie “Lavender Tinted Glasses: A Groovy Gay Look at the Summer of Love” at the GLBT History Museum. Join Chadwick at the hostel at Noon to head out to this amazing event. Photo courtesy of http://summerof.love/event/lavender-tinted-glasses-groovy-gay-look-summer-love/