Play Games in Golden Gate Park!
Thursday 27 Feb 2020
Meeting time:
Meeting Place:
Additional instructions:
Pacific Tradewinds guests, meet in the hostel common room at 12:00 and we will take the bus together! Bring $6 for bus fare!
At 1,017 acres long, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park has something for everyone. We've got the Conservatory of Flowers, the San Francisco Botanical Garden, the Japanese Tea Garden, the California Academy of Sciences, the deYoung Museum, a lake with rent-able paddle boats, a BISON paddock, and lots and lots of open space to just hang out and chill. See? We told you there was something for everyone! We're going to spend a day just chilling at the park and soaking up the sun. We'll bring a soccer ball and other fun games. Come enjoy this beautiful day with your new hostel friends!