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Saturday 10 Feb 2018

Murals in the Mission: Exploration of Street Art

Saturday 10 Feb 2018
Meeting time: 
Meeting Place: 
2981 24th Street
Precita Eyes Muralists | 2981 24th Street BILINGUAL GUIDED MURAL TOUR 11 AM to 12:30 PM - Trace decades of visual storytelling on our bilingual guided mural tour through the 24th Street Corridor. The Mission is a San Francisco neighborhood known for many great things- culture, live music, history, street art, and delicious Latin food including, of course, the original Mission burrito. One of the best parts is that while you are strolling around or bouncing from one cool event to another, you can see street art all around you. It’s pretty pervasive in the neighborhood, though there are a couple main alley ways that are covered on both sides end to end with incredible murals. Not only are these artistically beautiful they almost always paint a picture (literally!) of what issues are facing the neighborhood and San Francisco culture as a whole. Common themes are gentrification, housing issues, immigrants rights, and access to resources. They can be funny, meaningful, witty, and everything in between. This week, Feb. 10th, join a special free guided bilingual (English & Spanish) tour from Precita Eyes Muralists as part of a neighborhood celebration from 11 AM to 12:30 PM.