Thursday 15 Feb 2018
Hostel Wine & Cheese Night
Thursday 15 Feb 2018
Meeting time:
Hosted by:
Courtney Loechl
Meeting Place:
Hostel common room
Who says backpackers have to eat ramen and drink crap beer? What’s wrong with classin it up a bit with a little wine and cheese?! Ok, it might be boxed wine and cheap cheese but hey, we’re not judging. Fake it til ya make it, amiright? Head to the grocery store with everyone to stock up on supplies and come back to the hostel for a night of classy French swagger. We won’t even tell if you sneak in some whisky or junk food under the table. A few glasses in and everyone will probably join you anyway! $5 to join.
Meet Zeke at 8pm to go on your culinary expedition.