Bay to Breakers: Put on Your Best Costume and Run Across San Francisco
Sunday 31 May 2020
Meeting time:
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Pacific Tradewinds guests! Meet in the common room at 8:30 a.m.! Wear anything costume-y you might have with you! We will end up far from the hostel, so bring $2.75 for the eventual bus ride home.
If you love wild events, dressing up, letting loose, and maybe drinking a little bit (or a lot), you won't want to miss Bay to Breakers in San Francisco in May. It's a 12K race from San Francisco's Embarcadero - the "Bay" - to Ocean Beach - the "Breakers," and is just like any other race. Except for, sometime between its inception in 1912 and now, it became tradition to run this race dressed up in costumes and maybe with a drink or four in your system. Serious, non-costumed participants begin the race at 6 a.m., but everyone else can join whenever they want. We recommend joining the course no later than 8:30 or 9 a.m., all costumed and ready to go. The finish line at Ocean Beach closes at 1 p.m. In previous years, houses in the Haight and the Panhandle have had house parties all day long after the race has ended, usually open to the public, and the entirety of San Francisco could be found decked out in costumes and dancing in the street all day long. Last year, the cops cracked down and the day's festivities are basically over when the race is. Get up nice and early, put your best costume on, and head out to experience one of the most "San Francisco" things ever. Check the link below for the route so you can meet up with everyone and follow along. Although, if you step outside anywhere near downtown or the Embarcadero in the morning and see people wearing a wig or a onesie or maybe even nothing, chances are you're going to the same place.
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