Friday 24 Jan 2020
90’s Hip Hop and R&B Night at Bar FLUXUS
Friday 24 Jan 2020
Meeting time:
Meeting Place:
Bar Fluxus combines art, quirkiness, style, color, and spark along with a variety of entertainment. Everything from music to comedy. This Friday there will be be a FREE 90s R&B throwback dance party! Think TLC...Fresh Prince...Boyz II Men….Usher...so many memories, so little time. And for those of you young travelers who completely missed this decade, what a great chance to find out how fun it was. It's 21+, so make sure you bring a valid ID. Also, did we mention Bar Fluxus is a seven minute walk away from our hostel?! Just think - you can be in your cozy dorm bed less than 10 minutes after leaving the dance party. How good is that?! The event is FREE with RSVP, so get your free ticket at the link below!